The Benefits of Being an Affiliate with Grout Shield

Affiliate marketing is a type of marketing in which you can bring yourself and business more money by promoting and sharing information about another business’ product. As an affiliate marketer of Grout Shield, you will be an independent promoter of our Grout Shield grout cleaning, grout sealing, and grout restoration products and accessories. This type of marketing is an easy way to earn passive income.

When you work with Grout Shield, you can make 10% commission per order (excluding shipping).

It’s FREE to join the Grout Shield Affiliate Program. To join the program, provide us with basic information about you and your company, so we can see if you’re the right fit for us!

Once you are in our affiliate program, we will train you to make sure you have all the tools you need to be successful.

Once you become an affiliate, you will be provided with a unique coupon tracking code that is tied to your account. You can share this with as many people/clients/customers/friends as you like on your website, email lists, blog, and social media pages.  This AD will instruct the user to use this coupon code at check out.  If someone purchase a Grout Shield product with your code, you’ll earn a commission for that sale.

Being a Grout Shield affiliate is easy – all you are doing is sharing info with your audience!

What are the benefits of being a Grout Shield Affiliate?

  1. It helps broaden your audience.
  2. Affiliates can boost your reputation.
  3. It’s cost effective.
  4. Affiliates can rapidly scale your traffic and sales.
  5. It’s a low-risk investment.
  6. It gives you another avenue of revenue.
  7. You aren’t producing a product to sell.
  8. You don’t have to handle customer service. We handle that!
  9. You don’t have to design a website or create sales copy for the product.
  10. You don’t have to handle the sales process.
  11. You don’t have to be an expert. Our team will answer questions about the grout products.
  12. You don’t have to deliver the products or deal with returns.
  13. No expertise needed.
  14. Convenient and flexible.

Join our Grout Shield Affiliate program today to grow your revenue with the leading Grout Shield Distributor in the country. Affiliate marketing can be a new source of revenue by including Grout Shield’s products and content in your own emails, blog, social posts, and more.

For more information on Grout Shield’s grout products or to purchase Grout Shield products, click our grout products page, or call toll free at 1-800-631-0716.


The post The Benefits of Being an Affiliate with Grout Shield appeared first on Grout Shield | Grout Restoration System | Grout Cleaner.

Take Your Business to the Next Level with Grout Cleaning Products

Whether you’re a plumber, home maintenance company, or house cleaner, you can take your business to the next level and add to your business line with grout cleaning. Most people have tile work in or around their home, whether it’s in the kitchen, bathroom, walkway, or at the pool.

When not cleaned or sealed properly, grout gets dirty and it can make any surface or room look grimy and older. While visiting your clients’ homes, you may have noticed their grout may look dirty or old, so why not also offer to fix this for them?

By using Grout Shield’s products and because a Grout Shield dealer, you can bring in additional revenue to your business.

When you purchase one of our  Grout Shield professional starter kits, you can start offering grout restoration as part of your business! We also train you and our training is thorough.

Our training programs and support provide you education and mentorship for the life of your business. Our training is free.

Our professional start up kit offers enough product to do approximately 50 clean and seal jobs! That’s a gross market value $22,500.00, based on $450 per job. That’s the average cost for a 12’ x 12’ room, but you name the price!

The package includes

  • 14 gallons standard colors
  • 5 gallons of Grout Shield’s Undiluted Tile & Grout Cleaner
  • 14 custom brush applicators
  • 1 bucket caddy
  • 1 kneepad roller
  • 1 package chamois clothes (100 pcs)
  • 42 16oz bottles (empty with caps)
  • 42 2oz salesman sample bottles (empty with caps)
  • Training videos free with package
  • 1,000 Full color brochures and business cards


You will be trained on all our products and how to use them. these products. Our training just two days in a classroom where you will receive education and technical training that covers all aspects of the business. We do also offer online training.

You can get this part of your business up-and-running fast. If you purchase our large professional kit at $2,000 you can generate up to $100,000 in annual revenue.

We want you to succeed and as a Grout Shield dealer, you will be provided with a staff to assist you with training, promotion, pricing, and maintenance on all our grout cleaning, grout sealing, and grout restoration products and accessories.

If your business has stalled or you’re looking to offer your clients more, grout restoration is the way to go!

Work with Grout Shield today and start making money!

For more information on Grout Shield’s grout dealer program or to purchase Grout Shield products, click our grout dealer page, or call toll free at 1-800-631-0716.

The post Take Your Business to the Next Level with Grout Cleaning Products appeared first on Grout Shield | Grout Restoration System | Grout Cleaner.

Ditch Your Household Cleaners and Use Grout Shield

Whether you’re a public establishment or a homeowner, most household cleaners or name brand products cannot properly clean your grout. In fact, many of them can hurt your grout.

Grout gets dirty easily, especially if it isn’t sealed. Grout is porous, and it easily absorbs anything that touches it. If you clean the grout with regular cleaners, your grout may never look cleaner, despite scrubbing and mopping over and over.

When it comes to cleaning grout, the chemicals in a grout or cleaning product matter. Grout Shield cleaners have a neutral-pH level that is safe on grout and tile. Grout Shield cleaners help grout lines look renewed and clean. The formula is a non-combustible, fast-aching concentrate.

Below, we’ve listed common ingredients and chemicals that are found in most common cleaners that can hurt your grout and tile.

Bleach – Believe it or not, bleach doesn’t clean anything. There is no cleaning agent in bleach. Many bleaches contain sodium hypochlorite, which can disintegrate concrete found in most grout. Your surface and room may smell clean, but the dirt and germs are still there.

Ammonia – Ammonia can remove finish off grout and tile.

Vinegar and Acidic Cleaners – The acid in vinegar will get rid of the finish and shine on your grout and tile. Vinegar and acid can discolor grout, as well.

Grout Shield has a Grout Shield Maintenance Cleaner and a Grout & Tile Deep Cleaner both are great at lifting stains and dirt from the pores in the grout. They clean your grout safely.

Use Grout Shield Cleaner 

Don’t waste money or time cleaning with products that are ultimately destroying grout, and not even cleaning it, especially if you’re cleaning a large surface or building.

Grout Shield sells cleaners in a variety of sizes to accommodate different sizes of rooms. Grout Shield’s cleaners are easy to use and affordable!

To learn more about grout cleaner, click our grout cleaner page or call toll free at 1-800-631-0716 with any questions.


The post Ditch Your Household Cleaners and Use Grout Shield appeared first on Grout Shield | Grout Restoration System | Grout Cleaner.